• 'A better democracy is a democracy where women do not only have the right to vote and to elect but to be elected.'
    - Michelle Bachelet

  • 'Some day you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again.'- C.S. Lewis

  • 'I don’t care that they stole my idea … I care that they don’t have any of their own.'- Nikola Tesla

  • 'Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand. The sun's rays do not burn until brought to a focus.'
    - Alexander Graham Bell

We value Library Partnerships

HP Hamilton has made it a priority to keep up lasting partnerships with Librarians. The library world is evolving and there is increasing demand for spontaneous access to the world of information. We pursue our vast collection of Books with several libraries across the globe. Since our librarian partners are most eminent to us, we offer a range of options to help support open access to them. Our open access memberships and Research-Onboard Forum provide solutions to assist various researchers in publishing. To learn more about our Open Access Membership Program kindly drop us a mail with a link about your organization at support@hphamilton.com

Our team will be more than happy to collaborate with your institution. We’re always looking for ways to do even more to nurture our relationships.